AI : Learning in online search

The initial ignorance of online search agents provides several opportunities for learning. First, the agents learn a “map” of the environment—more precisely, the outcome of each action in each state—simply by recording each of their experiences. (Notice that the assumption of deterministic environments means that one experience is enough for each action.) Second,
the local search agents acquire more accurate estimates of the cost of each state by using local updating rules, as in LRTA∗. In Chapter 21, we show that these updates eventually converge to exact values for every state, provided that the agent explores the state space in the right way. Once exact values are known, optimal decisions can be taken simply by moving to the lowest-cost successor—that is, pure hill climbing is then an optimal strategy.

If you followed our suggestion to trace the behavior of ONLINE-DFS-AGENT in the environment of Figure 4.19, you will have noticed that the agent is not very bright. For example, after it has seen that the Up action goes from (1,1) to (1,2), the agent still has no idea that the Down action goes back to (1,1) or that the Up action also goes from (2,1) to (2,2), from (2,2) to (2,3), and so on. In general, we would like the agent to learn that Up increases the y-coordinate unless there is a wall in the way, that Down reduces it, and so on. For this to happen, we need two things. First, we need a formal and explicitly manipulable representation for these kinds of general rules; so far, we have hidden the information inside the black box called the RESULT function. Part III is devoted to this issue. Second, we need algorithms that can construct suitable general rules from the specific observations made by the agent. These are covered in Chapter 18.
