What is AI?

We have know why AI is exciting, but we have not said what it is. We could jus say "Well, it has to do with smart programs, so lets go on and write some". But the history of science shows that it is helpfull to aim the right goals.

Early Alchemist, looking for a potion for external life and a method to turn lead into gold, were probably off on the wrong foot. Only when the aim changed, to that of finding explicit theories that gave accurate predictions of the terrestial world.

In the same way that early astronomy predicted the apparent motions of the stars and planets, could the scientific method emerge and productive science take place.

Definitions of artificial intelligence according to eight recent textbooks are shows in Figure. these definitions very along two main dimensions. The ones on top are concerned with thought processes and reasoning, whereas the ones on the bottom address behaviour, also the definitions on the left measure success in terms of human performance, whereas the ones on the left measure success in terms of human performance

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